Academe, Issue on "Technology and Intellectual Property"

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Academe (Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors), 84.3 (May-June 1998). Issue on "Technology and Intellectual Property: Who's in Control?" An introduction to the increasingly important interface of professors and technology for the sort of people who join the AAUP. Cover shows still of Charles Chaplin's character in MODERN TIMES (q.v. under Drama) inside the giant machine lying down and tightening two bolts on a giant wheel, and looking happy. Relevant articles: Ellen Schrecker, ed., "Technology and Intellectual Property: Who's in Control?"; Marjorie Heins, "Academic Freedom and the Internet"—on a Virgina law forbidding state employees not in police work to use state-owned or leased computers to access "any communications 'having sexually explicit content'" (19 [note section on "The First Amendment, Academic Freedom, and Cyberspace"); Karen Cárdenas, "Technology in Today's Classroom: It Slices and It Dices, But Does It Serve Us Well?"; Report by a subcommittee of AAUP Committee R on Government Relations, "Distance Learning" (i.e., using increasingly sophisticated technologies to provide educational materials and education to students distant from a school campus, assuming such a campus exists, which in two cases and a third proposed, it does not); Report by the Subcommittee on Intellectual Property Rights of AAUP Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure, "Copyright Issues in Colleges and Universities," esp. as those issues have been affected by recent law and technological innovations, including multimedia, Internet, and the World Wide Web.

(RDE, 04/VII/98)