Fortune Hunter

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Fortune Hunter Episodes: Fox Television Sept. 1994 (then cancelled). "Created by Steven Aspis." Columbia Pictures Television, "author" of film for legal purposes. BBK Rpductions, 1994. Mark Frankel, star, with John Robert Hoffman.

Action-Adventure series in the tradition of James Bond. Unlike Bond, however, Carlton Dial, the ex-MI-6 Fortune Hunter is on-line with his (computer-nerdish male) controller, who is both a watcher of his man on a kind of super TV and in a kind of VR relationship with him, capable of seeing from Dial's point of view through a "fiber-optic camera grid" in a pair of contact lenses (cf. and contrast DEATHWATCH. Plus hearing and, potentially, the full sensorium as the series develops (cf. "SimStim" in W. Gibson's Neuromancer series). Major opportunities for voyeurism. (RDE, 25/09/94)