Futurama: "Ghost in the Machines"

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"Ghost in the Machines," Futurama. Episode 6.19 of production season, 8.3 of broadcast season: running total #107. Comedy Central 30 June 2011. Ray Claffey, Peter Avanzino,[1] dirs. Patric M. Verrone, script.[2]

Episode raises issue of the value of human vs. robot life (sic) and, obviously, uses the trope of "the ghost in the machine." Gilbert Ryle's flippant description of René Descartes' mind-body dualism[3] is literalized when the necessarily non-material ghost of Bender the robot haunts the hero Fry by taking over machines. To escape the haunting, Fry moves to the Amish homeworld, where electronic devices are forbidden. By episode's end, the entire Planet Express crew end up back on Earth, with Bender restored to life (sic). Note gleeful mashup of science fiction, fantasy, pastoral, and horror motifs as the settings shift from a suicide booth that is one of Bender's jilted girl friends, who murders him in a comic paradox — can a suicide booth murder someone trying to commit suicide by means of the suicide booth? — to Robot Hell, to the Amish farming community, and Robot Heaven. The returning character of Robot Devil returns, but this episode also shows Robot God (not a mechanical god, but robotic and cybernetic — so close).[4]

5. Drama, RDE, 06/XII/14