Gravity's Rainbow (novel)

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Pynchon, Thomas. Gravity's Rainbow. New York: Viking, 1973. New York, Harmondsworth: Viking Penguin (Penguin Books), 1987.

Arguably S. F. as "science fiction," SF (undefined), or mundane, GR features a V-2 rocket falling in a universe operating like a machine with mystic gears of an unknown and probably unknowable ratio, some of which may be loose and/or missing teeth. Cf. Pynchon's earlier Crying of Lot Forty-Nine (1966), which presents US society metaphorically as a giant computer running a binary program. See under Literary Criticism, P. Brigg on Gavity's Rainbow, and the John Leonard review in The Nation.[[1]]

RDE, Initial Compiler, edited 12May`9