Greenberg, Martin Harry, and Joseph D. Olander, eds. Philip K. Dick
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Jump to navigationJump to searchGreenberg, Martin Harry, and Joseph D. Olander, eds. Philip K. Dick. New York: Taplinger, 1983.
Anthology of original and rpt. essays on Philip K. Dick. Includes also M. Tymn, "Philip K. Dick: A Bibliography" (q.v. above, under Reference), an introd. by Barry N. Malzberg, a brief biographical note on Dick, and ("in slightly different form") Dick's introd. to The Golden Man, titled "Now Wait for This Year" (quoting acknowledgment on 215). See index for brief discussions (passim) of "The Electric Ant," Martian Time Slip, Penultimate Truth, and "Second Variety" (all listed under Fiction).