Mecha Minotaur

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On 2 November 2018, "Le Minotaure déambule rue Lafayette, au cœur de Toulouse" — "The Minotaur landed on the streets of Toulouse this morning," shown in the clip: the creature on Lafayette Street.

More exactly, it's a huge mechanical hybrid of Minotaur and Centaur, with the head of a bull, the torso of a man, and — replacing the human lower body — the body of a horse. Note for a very large, moving mashup of mechanism, mythology, and mammalian species. Compare and contrast H. R. Giger's Biomechanics, such as the Alien in the original ALIEN (film) and its successors.

As of 14 November 2018, a clip is posted on line: <>

RDE, Initial Compiler, 14Nov18