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NOT QUITE HUMAN. Steven Hilliard Stern, dir. USA: Disney, 1987. Alan Thicke, Jay Underwood, stars. "Based on Characters from The Book Series 'Not Quite Human' by Seth McEvoy."

TV-movie. The humanization of an android robot; cf. D.A.R.Y.L. (cited in this Category) and I. Asimov's "The Bicentennial Man" (cited under Fiction); for the toy-maker villains' attempt to turn the android ("Chip") into a fighting machine, cf. the film Toys. Note also Frankenstein motif of fatherhood without a mother—but with "Dad" in this case taking responsibility for, and aiding, his creature—and the golem motif in Chip's literal-minded obedience to instructions. IMDb lists two sequels.