Proxima Centauri

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Leinster, Murray (pseud. of William F. Jenkins). "Proxima Centauri." Astounding March 1935. Rpt. The Road to Science Fiction #2: From Wells to Heinlein. James Gunn, ed. New York: NAL, 1979.

Features a generation starship as "a self-contained, self-sustaining world" (Gunn). Cf. Robert Heinlein's "Universe" (cited under Fiction), The Starlost, and the Classic Star Trek episode "For the World is Hollow, and I Have Touched the Sky" (cited under Drama). In a post on Facebook on 29 November 2023, Joe Haldeman quotes Robert Silverberg, on “'Proxima Centauri' . . . perhaps the first interstellar generation-ship story.”

RDE, initial; finishing 29Nov23