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SERENITY (vt. FIREFLY: THE MOVIE). Joss Wheedon, dir., script (drawing upon his 2002-03 Firefly Fox-TV series). USA: Mutant Enemy, Universal, Barry Mendal Productions (prod.) / Universal and UIP (main dist.), 2005.

See for animal-shaped space ships and possibly other vehicles (with animal including invertebrates). The Serenity space ship resembles a dragon; other ships resemble other real and imaginary creatures. Note also motif of the superimposition of the mechanical and cybernetic upon a human mind (that of River), and the imagery of the penetration of her forehead: this image would be an effective objective correlative for a theme of mind control, had the film developed that theme; that we get the image and truncated development of the theme may be significant in a film with a strong fan base that may need only the suggestion) indeed the theme might be sufficiently familiar to work in shorthand form even with people who don't know the TV series).