SFS 98: Technoculture and Science Fiction

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Science Fiction Studies #98 = 33.1 (March 2006). Edited by Roger Luckhurst and Gill Partington. As of November 2022 available on-line here.[1]

Featured essays include the following.

Harding, Robert. "Manuel Castells's Technoculture Epoch in The Information Age" (pp. 18-29).[2]
Abbott, Stacey. "Final Frontiers: Computer-Generated Imagery and the Science Fiction Film" (pp. 89-108).[3]
Mitchell, Kaye. "Bodies That Matter: Science Fiction, Technoculture, and the Gendered Body" (pp. 109-28).[4] 
Bould, Mark, and Sherryl Vint. "Learning from the Little Engines That Couldn't: Transported by Gernsback, Wells, and Latour (pp. 129-47).[5]

One of the three review-essays:

Landon, Brooks. "A Cultural History of a Hybrid Genre." Review of Roger Luckhurst, Science Fiction. In the CULTURE HISTORY OF LITERATURE series. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2005. (SFS #98 pp. 161-73).[6]

RDE, finishing, 5Nov22