Science Fiction Models of Future Order Systems

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Livingston, Dennis. "Science Fiction Models of Future Order Systems." International Organization 25 (Spring 1971): 254-70.

As much literary criticism as political science, this essay handles the political aspects of J. Brunner's Stand on Zanzibar, G. Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (both cited under Fiction), and a number of other works of immediate or secondary interest, including Poul Anderson, "Un-Man"; Fritz Leiber, Gather Darkness!; Andre Mauris, "The War Against the Moon"; Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth, The Space Merchants; Mack Reynolds, "The Five Way Secret Agent"; and R. Theobald and J. M. Scott, Teg's 1994: An Anticipation of the Near Future. Refers briefly to other S.F. works, including "prophetic novels" by H. G. Wells and R. A. Heinlein. Deals well with politically and socially significant technology.