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- ...a Change" (vt "The Shores of Night").''' ''Astounding'' June 1956. Coll. ''Caution! Inflammable!'' New York: Doubleday, 1975. Rpt. ''[[Human-Machines: An Anth CAUTION: "[[Sea Change]]" title not unique. [[Category: Fiction]]612 bytes (87 words) - 00:52, 2 July 2020
- ...e sympathize with the computer program doing at least a partial take-over. Caution: the backcover blurb on the 1985 edn. is misleading. Caution: "Out of This World" incorrectly assigns the work to Phyllis Gotlieb.1 KB (180 words) - 02:21, 6 January 2022
- CAUTION: "Reveal" — the ''Auflösung'' (resolution) — revealed. Somewhat more serious CAUTION: Even fans of ''noir'' may find this episode upsetting, especially the kill1 KB (206 words) - 20:53, 23 June 2017
- ...e and a happy ending wherein the computer is reconciled to serving humans. Caution: Rather sexist for a 1983 work.[[Category: Fiction]]372 bytes (51 words) - 18:43, 3 October 2014
- ...R, with the replicants in BLADE RUNNER being both high-tech and primitive. Caution: About four of CCC's comments are somewhat misleading.433 bytes (63 words) - 13:03, 20 October 2014
- ...)] Boris Karloff (credited as "Karloff"), Bela Lugosi, featured players. CAUTION: There is a 1920, 15 episode serial by the same name. ...edded in a generically mixed fictive world of Horror, African Exploration (CAUTION: with racist views of Africans), and the Tragedy of Revenge. What the ''Vi1 KB (208 words) - 17:21, 23 May 2023
- ...asserting the worker's oneness with the machine and gratitude toward it. (Caution: This encomium should not be confused with the mnemonic for differentiating489 bytes (72 words) - 21:41, 27 October 2014
- ...escape into the real world. (All films mentioned listed in this section.) CAUTION: Unlike the original film, this one shouldn't be seen by adults unaccompani1 KB (233 words) - 22:26, 3 June 2018
- ...ship" (quote from a Cartoon Network ad; credits and other data from IMDb). CAUTION: "seoul tiger54" on the IMDb notes that the original Japanese version was "566 bytes (85 words) - 03:15, 31 December 2014
- ...seventies to adopt a machine esthetic as their approach to object making. (Caution: Research into 1970s artists less likely to show up in museum exhibitions m542 bytes (78 words) - 19:43, 27 October 2014
- ...d of the "downunder" of Topeka. Source of film by L. Q. Jones, q.v. (note "Caution"). See under Drama Criticism the essay by J. Crow and R. Erlich and under552 bytes (88 words) - 18:03, 3 May 2015
- ...'s ''Rama'', an alien machine civilization, human and machine programming. Caution: In ''Codgerspace'' ADF attempts ethnic humor; he's not very good at it. [[503 bytes (71 words) - 15:27, 27 September 2014
- ...ut also to the underwater habitat as a mechanical and electronic monster. (Caution: Arguably more sexist and less reliable on decompression than DEEPSTAR SIX.626 bytes (94 words) - 14:18, 18 October 2014
- CAUTION: "[[The Shores of Night|Sea Change]]" title not unique.551 bytes (88 words) - 00:48, 2 July 2020
- ...itive (and highly derivative) release from containment into the open air. (Caution: Do not depend upon this film for details about decompression.) See in this820 bytes (119 words) - 23:07, 19 August 2019
- ...E, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, THX 1138 (all listed under Drama), and other films. Caution: DD does some questionable things with the Morlocks and Eloi in TIME MACHIN628 bytes (98 words) - 22:47, 22 October 2014
- ...e mostly metaphoric, and ''OFOCN'' is "mainstream" (or "mundane") fiction. Caution: a rather misogynist work. [[Category: Fiction]]613 bytes (90 words) - 18:18, 29 September 2014
- a scientific 'metaphysical blueprint'" (32, quoting Nicholas Maxwell). CAUTION: Written in relatively simple High Theory, but still may be a problem for p981 bytes (137 words) - 15:51, 20 March 2007
- ...ecessarily, remain Platonic; Buck and Dr. Theopolis just become friends). CAUTION: This film remains true to the original Buck Rogers stories in having a str2 KB (270 words) - 00:49, 28 December 2014
- ...zsche insists in ''Also Sprach Zarathustra'', by man in the image of man. CAUTION: ''Triple Allegory'' is a provocative and often useful study but also an in CAUTION: LFW missed or ignored Erlich's essay on ''2001'': "Strange Odyssey: From D2 KB (269 words) - 21:43, 9 August 2023