Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Evolution"

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Star Trek: The Next Generation, "Evolution." Season 3, episode 1 (#49 overall).[1]

Discussed by Victor Grech, "The Manifestation of Manichaeism in Star Trek’s Nanotechnology," SFRA Review #323 (Winter 2018): pp. 8-13, which see.[2]

Grech notes, an ensign working on an academic project allows a leak of two nanites, robots on the scale of nanometers, "which get into the ship's computer and evolve to where they can 'mechanically replicate themselves.'"

Their evolution could even potentially result in a Kurzweilian singularity since ‘it is conceivable that with each new generation they enhance their own design. The rate of evolution would be extraordinary’[...]. The emergent property of sentience is therefore manifest since ‘these nanites are now working with a new collective intelligence. Operating together. Teaching each other skills.’ (Grech, p. 8, quoting episode dialog)

After a threat to the Enterprise, the episode ends with communication between Captain Picard and the Nanites and a deal for peaceful co-existence (Grech, p. 9).[3]

RDE, finishing, 10Oct21